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English speaking countries

English speaking countries

This term is used for the countries where the majority of population speaks English as their mother language. They are : Great Britain, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Besides these countries there are large areas where English is spoken as second language - it is in India, Pakistan, the Republic of South Africa and other African countries. Generally speaking, English is spoken in the USA, Ireland and in the Commonwealth countries.

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of Britain and 47 her former colonies (together over 1 billion people). It developed in the 1st half of this century when Britain gave self-government to her dominions. Founding members were Britain, Canada, Newfoundland, Australia and New Zealand. Later the Commonwealth included money African, Asian, South American and Caribbean nations. Member countries cooperate to encourage world peace, social understanding, racial equality and economic development. The Queen of England is the formal head in 17 countries, former dominions, and this are for example Canasa, Australia and New Zealand.

So, now about English language. Nowadays about 400 million people use English which means that English is the most widespread language in the world. It has become a world language - it is used not only as a native language but also for practical purposes - in administrative, business, technology, education, sport, aviation…

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hokejky, brusle, hokejové chrániče

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