a) Is there anything like a normal family?
What is normal family? I don´t know exactly how the normal family looks like. But in general it will be probably the family with 1 – 3 children living in a flat or a family house. Both parents work and take care of children and help their own parents. Children visit school, do sport and have some other hobbies. This normal family goes once a year on holiday together. However the biggest number of families is different in some way from a normal family.
b) Common life brings about a lot of joy but problems and misunderstanding as well
Common life should be without bigger problems as much as possible. However it is normal that problem sometime appears. The problems belong to common life and solving the problems makes us stronger.
c) Tolerance x intolerance, generation gap, who is supposed to do what?
The problem of generation gap is a question of normal human toleration. I think there are surely many differences among generations. The number of differences is as big as difference in age is. As far as I concerned the problems among generations are only problems of intoleration of some people because when someone is tolerant he can solve the problem and it disappears. The man should always try to find the way to solve the problem in the best way.
d) Family meetings and festivals
During the year there are many occasions when the family meets together. To these occasions belongs Christmas, birthday parties, funeral etc. It is good for family to meet together because you can talk with many other family members who you haven’t seen for a long time.
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