One of the biggest discoveries was the discovery of penicillin by A. Fleming. It helped to cure the illnesses which were incurable before this discovery. On the other hand I think that people aren’t healthier today than it was few centuries ago. The average age is increasing thanks to modern technologies and new medicaments. The operations that were impossible few years ago are now common. One could say that the technology is here to keep us alive longer.
AIDS is one of today’s world biggest problem. The biggest number of infected people is in Africa. If there isn’t any medicine against AIDS the huge number of people will die. The scientists try to find some but nowadays there are only pills that can make your live with AIDS longer but can’t cure you at all.
g) Euthanasia - yes or no?
The problem of euthanasia is very discussed item of these days. In some countries it is legal with more or less problems. In some countries it is illegal. In my opinion when one has freedom and is adult he also has responsibility but on the other hand he has right of free choice. I think that prohibition of euthanasia is against the basic human rights. They say everybody born free and have a right of life. As far as I am concerned the right of life means possibility to make decisions about your life. And when the euthanasia is illegal people won’t have the whole human rights.
h) Classical medicines X alternatives.
I think that classical medicine is much more used in the west civilization where are the civilization based on the science and technology. On the other hand the east civilization uses alternative or natural medicine also with big positive effect. It is hard to say what is better. However when someone thinks about thee roots of classical medicine they are in nature.
i) Risky behavior
Risky behavior is every time when one act in hazardous way and is in the risk of life or serious hurt. It could be driving under influence, jumping into unknown pounds or riding a bike without helmet. It is a pity when someone acts risky because many accidents can be avoided.
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