Alfred the Great
- he didn’t want to risk problems with Danes - he married to a Danish queen (he was tricky)
- Manchester was the capitol of England - he wanted to increase the power of trade and economic, he supported building the ships - for the protection
- he translated some literature from latin
Battle of Hastings 1066
-William I. had been promised the throne by his cousin king Edward the Confessor, after Edward’s death the Saxon assembly (shromáždění) of “ wise men” elected as King of England Harold (a powerful Wessex nobleman)
- William (the duke of Normandy) claimed (tvrdit) that the throne had been promised to him.
- national army (Harold II.- Saxon king of England) x invasion force led by William (William I. the Conqueror)
- William attacked England, Harold moved to the south - his army was very poor
- William came on special ships, horses - he fought very powerfully
- the battle lasted only 1 day (daylong battle)
William I. Conqueror
- improved lot of things
- set up feudal system
- the king owned all the land, granting estates (darovat majetek) to his barons, which they divided among their followers, below them were the Saxon serfs (nevolník)
- started building WHITE POWER, wanted to feel safety
- reorganized the English feudal and administrative system
Domesday book (1086) – written record of a statistical survey (dozor)of England - property (possession) (vlastnit) and incomes of the people-for taxation
- Epidemic - many revolts against him
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