Before you sit down in the theatre you have to do lots of thing. First you have to wear good clothes. I wear dark suit with the shirt with tie or bowtie (vázanka nebo motýl). Ladies have the dressing more complicated. They wear in general (obyčejně) some dark skirt with the light blouse or dress. They were high-heeled shoes (lodičky). The other important thing is buy up of ticket. You can book it in the booking office or you can buy it in advance booking office (předprodejní pokladna) or it is possible that you will have to queue up (stát frontu). These people, who visit the theatre often, have subscription. Then the price is lower. It is very useful to buy and read the reviews and critics. In the hall you have to be quiet, behave decent and switch off the mobiles phones.
When you enter to the theatre you are in the foyer. You must go to the cloakroom and take the things off (odložit si). You should buy the programme by the attendant (sluha, uvaděč) and read the main role. You have to find your seat. The best seats are in dress or upper circles (first floor in theatre is called dress circle). The ground floor in the auditorium (hlediště) is called a pit (přízemí). There are stalls (křeslo) in row there. If you sit in dress circle and want to see actors in details, You can lend opera glasses. In the beginning of the performance the curtain rises and in the end the curtain falls down. Between two acts there is an interval. The spectators (diváci) can go to the foyer and can buy something to drink. Spectators in auditorium applaud or whistle (pískat) at the end of the performance.
Is the theatre important nowdays? I think the theatre played the more important role than nowdays. The actors (patriot) realised that the spoken-say (mluvené slovo) has more effect. The plays were for folk people and there were patriot's plays and historic plays. The theatre was for the illiterate (negramotní) people too. One of the aims was to demonstrate the past of the Czech history and the plays should have educated. It developed the language. Now the visits of theatres belong to the culture and education of the man.
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