Medical science must be developed to treat people. Medical science of medicine is one of the oldest branches of science. In the middle Ages a human body was a big mystery for doctors but the doctor Jesenius practised the first section (pitva) and removed part of the mystery.
Medical science was always developing however the biggest development was made in the 20th century. It was connected with scientific-technical revolution; the development of biology, chemistry and technology help a lot. In this century many new medicines and apparatuses have been discovered but there are illnesses we cannot treat (AIDS, cancer). The well-known and very used technology is transplantation e.g. heart, lungs, kidney (ledvina) etc. The big development is a fake heart (umělý srcde).
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the result of infection by a virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that gets into the bloodstream (krevní oběh). There is no cure for AIDS a yet. Some infected people die within a year or two. Others carry the virus for seven or eight years without showing any signs of disease. AIDS virus lives in body fluids (tekutiny).
Today there are two major ways that people become infected with AIDS virus: - through sexual contact with an infected person; - through sharing drug needles (z jehly inj. stříkačky) with an infected person. You cannot be infected by blood transfusion now, it is impossible because the blood is tested. AIDS causes a person's immune system. But for now, there is no vaccine and there is no cure.
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